Replace Vs Repair: Your Plumbing Guide

Replace Vs Repair: Your Plumbing Guide

Has your water heater or garbage disposal been malfunctioning more than usual? Have you noticed strange odors coming from your sump pump or ejector pump? If so, it might be time to schedule professional plumbing services for your system. At Terry’s Plumbing, we’re no strangers to plumbing issues and the ways they can creep up on you and your family. Our technicians are experts when it comes to repairing, replacing or installing household appliances and plumbing. Read on for more information about ways you can evaluate the performance and longevity of your home appliances to determine whether you need repair […]

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Women in the Plumbing Industry

Women in the Plumbing Industry

While the plumbing industry is still male-dominated, swift changes in female numbers have been made in recent years. It’s not easy to be a female plumber, but also not impossible! Homeowners should feel inspired by these courageous and amazing women leaders making a change in the trades industry! In this blog we cover the history of women in the plumbing industry and one in particular that defied all odds. Women in the Plumbing Industry Currently, female plumbers make up about 3% of all plumbers living in the U.S. Sure, this number is not massive, but it is worthwhile! Homeowners should […]

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How To Pressure Test Plumbing Pipies

How To Pressure Test Plumbing Pipies

It’s a good idea to test water pressure in your home a couple of times per year. Testing water pressure is quick and easy, and all you need is a simple and inexpensive pressure gauge. Pressure-testing plumbing pipes is useful to spot potential problems within your plumbing system. As a homeowner, you would want your water pressure to stay on safe levels.  After all, a lot of aspects in your life depend on the plumbing, from washing the dishes to taking a warm shower. If you feel confident enough to tackle this job, simply follow these steps to ensure that […]

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5 Common Commercial Water Issues

5 Common Commercial Water Issues

Commercial water issues are something that just can’t be ignored. Virtually every business in operation relies on water. Some more than others. But for all of them, because they are commercial, water issues will always be at the forefront of their concerns. So the following are five common commercial water issues, both present and emerging.

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Did you Know your Home’s Plumbing has a Lifespan?

Did you Know your Home’s Plumbing has a Lifespan?

It’s a question as old as time and one that has been answered more times than most people can count. What’s the lifespan of my home’s plumbing? No one wants to think about potentially having to spend big bucks on renovations, but it’s probably best to know what you’re up against before problems start creeping in.  It’s not just about leaks; it’s about the gradual deterioration process and the parts that may have to be replaced over time. This is a quality-of-life issue that many people don’t even consider until they are forced to do so by a disaster. Caring […]

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No Water in your Home…Now What? | Terrys Plumbing

No Water in your Home…Now What?

Picture this scenario. It’s 8:00 in the morning, and you get out of bed to get in the shower before work. You get to your bathroom, pull back the shower curtain, and turn the hot water on. A surprised look comes over your face though, as no water comes out of the shower head. The next thought that comes to your mind is to call a local plumber right away to come to help you. Although that may be exactly what you need to do eventually, there are a few other steps you should take first when you find there […]

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How do Wave Pools Work? | Terrys Plumbing

How do Wave Pools Work?

Modern civilization is filled with artificial re-creations of nature. One of those inventions is the artificial ocean shore, also known as the wave pool. These popular water park attractions are regimented revisions of the wild, organic surfs created by nature. In wave pools, the water is chlorinated, the beach is concrete and the waves arrive like clockwork, once every few minutes. But how do these pools create the perfect wave? Keep on reading to find out!

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Plumbing 101: RV Systems | Terry's Plumbing

Plumbing 101: RV Systems

RVs are great for exploring the world and living on the go. But the RV plumbing or water system can be a hassle to deal with when it breaks. The best way to avoid these problems is to know how these systems work and the best ways to maintain them. What is an RV Plumbing System? RV Plumbing uses a pump to move the water through the RV, and it also has a holding tank for waste materials. The goal of RV plumbing is to move freshwater from the holding tanks to the sink, shower, toilet, and other fixtures inside […]

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Reading and Understanding “Blueprints” | Terrys Plumbing | Pittsburgh

Reading and Understanding “Blueprints”

Blueprints provide a map for building a home. The symbols on the blueprints tell carpenters, plumbers and electricians all they need to know about the home’s design and building materials. Plumbing blueprints detail everything from the type and size of sinks to the location of gas lines, drains and vents. Most times, plumbers must take extensive courses to learn how to read all the details of a plumbing blueprint. In this blog we give a crash course on how to understand blueprints and different things to consider when reading them. What are Blueprints? Blueprints are 2-dimensional architectural design drawings that […]

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Plumbing 101: What is Rough-In Plumbing? | Pittsburgh | Terrys plumbing

Plumbing 101: What is Rough-In Plumbing?

When planning construction, the plumbing rough-in will be a critical component of the beginning portion of the building. The rough-in process requires careful planning and expert installation of the plumbing lines that connect newly constructed homes with the rest of the area’s supply and waste systems. In this blog, we cover rough-in vs finished plumbing and we discuss why it’s important to give plumbers the necessary time for a proper installation.

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