Keeping the bathroom mirror from fogging up is quite an uphill task. It’s annoying when you have to get ready and no matter how many times you wipe your mirrors, they still fog up. In this blog, we show you how to prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up. These methods aren’t permanent fixes, but they work for a while before you have to reapply. Keep on reading for more information.
Read more »The plumbing industry is constantly evolving. This month flint is moving to the “final phase” of the lead pipe replacement program, InventHelp developed a water heater base to prevent drip pan overflow, and Washburn Tech introduces a new plumbing program. Keep on reading our news roundup for more details.
Read more »An outdoor hose connection is a handy feature for gardening and other chores that call for running water outside of your house. The average do-it-yourself homeowner is more than capable of tying into an existing connection to install a faucet. Below, we show you how to quickly complete this project so you can move forward with your weekend.
Read more »When you’ve had a long, hard day, there’s nothing better than relaxing and unwinding in a whirlpool tub. However, it isn’t such a pleasant experience if you find little black bits floating in your bath water, or an unappealing soap scum ring around the edge of your tub. Knowing how to clean your whirlpool tub is pretty important if you’re going to invest in one, but luckily the process isn’t complicated. In this article, we’ll cover how often you should be cleaning your tub, and give you a step-by-step guide.
Read more »Walking on a cold bathroom floor is a harsh way to start the morning. While most people avoid cold feet by covering bathroom floors with enormous mats, radiant heating is a great way to keep the floor warm while increasing your home’s energy efficiency. Here is a quick guide on how to install heated bathroom flooring in your home without breaking your budget.
Read more »There’s no doubt that heated bathroom floors are a luxury more than a necessity. Heated bathroom floors not only make your bathroom more comfortable and appealing, but they also contribute to more efficient heating. It’s hard to resist adding this bit of spa-like luxury to your home. Here we look at the pros and cons of adding heated floors to your next bathroom remodel. How Do Heated Bathroom Floors Work? Creating heated floors in a bathroom involves installing a source of radiant heat underneath your flooring. The heat could be provided by either an electric heating element or hydronic heating. […]
Read more »The plumbing industry is constantly evolving. This month a local plumbing program aims to help the industry, the newest bathroom faucet market forecast is released, Russell Investments Group Ltd. sells their shares, and Milwaukee Tool opens yet another manufacturing plant. Keep on reading our news roundup for more details.
Read more »Picture this scenario. It’s 8:00 in the morning, and you get out of bed to get in the shower before work. You get to your bathroom, pull back the shower curtain, and turn the hot water on. A surprised look comes over your face though, as no water comes out of the shower head. The next thought that comes to your mind is to call a local plumber right away to come to help you. Although that may be exactly what you need to do eventually, there are a few other steps you should take first when you find there […]
Read more »Among the many favorable additions to a modern bathroom is a heated toilet seat. These seats have been around for a long time and they are gaining popularity. Listed below are some of the often-overlooked advantages of a heated toilet seat.
Read more »Most of us Pittsburghers already know about the Pittsburgh toilet. In fact, a lot of us probably currently have one in our homes. But, ask a newcomer to the Burgh about the unique Pittsburgh amenity and you’re likely to get a raised eyebrow or a confused look. Here’s the story of the Pittsburgh toilet.
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