Repair A Cracked Bathtub

Repair A Cracked Bathtub

Replacing a cracked bathtub can cost thousands of dollars, but repairing a cracked bathtub is an inexpensive DIY project. In this post, we’ll go over the step-by-step process of fixing a bathtub crack, then we’ll help you prevent the problem from happening again. Overview To repair your cracked bathtub, you’ll need to buy a bathtub repair kit. Note: the following tutorial is specifically geared toward repairing a plastic or fiberglass bathtub. If the bathtub you’re trying to repair is made out of cast iron, this isn’t the tutorial for you. There are several different brands of bathtub repair kits available […]

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Prevent Sweating Pipes

Fix Sweating PIpes

Everything sweats when temperatures rise in the summer, and cold water pipes are no exception. It may sound trivial, but sweating pipes can cause serious water damage, and can lead to mold and structural rot. Luckily, pipe sweating is a relatively simple fix and can be taken care of by DIYers. What Causes Pipes to Sweat? Pipe sweating occurs because cold air holds less water vapor than warm air. When a cold pipe touches the hot, moist air around it, the temperature around the pipe drops and the air reaches its dew point. This causes the water vapor in the […]

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Does Tree Root Killer Work

Does Tree Root Killer Work?

During long, hot, dry summers, tree roots go searching for water in all the wrong places. Sewer pipes can be very attractive for thirsty trees because they provide everything necessary for survival: oxygen, nutrients and a plentiful source of water. Unfortunately, tree roots can do irreparable damage to old clay pipes. At times like this, many homeowners search for the easiest and least expensive solution to the problem, and that leads many people to try tree root killer. How it Works and What it Does Tree root killer is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: it’s a chemical that […]

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Stop A Gurgling Sink

Stop A Gurgling Sink

There’s something disquieting about a gurgling drain. You know something’s wrong, but it’s difficult to say exactly what. A gurgling drain can mean a lot of things, but specifically it means that there’s air inside of your drain pipe. This could be due to a leak, a blockage or even an improper installation. When your sink gurgles, you should try to fix it as soon as possible. Leaving it alone could lead to more costly repairs in the future. Was Your Sink Just Installed? If your sink was just installed, it’s very likely that it was simply installed improperly. Either […]

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Installing A Basement Bathroom

Installing a basement bathroom is not a project that can be completed by a beginning DIYer. This an advanced, multi-stage project that requires planning, determination and know-how. We’ve written this post as your guide to getting started, because it helps to know what stages lie ahead. You can use this post as your rough plan, but each step involves many mini-steps. Don’t get started on this project until you really understand the full extent of those mini steps. Plumbing the Basement Installing basement plumbing after the house has been built can be challenging. Above grade plumbing relies on gravity to carry […]

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Identify And Fix A Leaking Wall Pipe

How To Tell If A Wall Pipe Is Leaking

Unless you have X-ray vision, determining whether or not a wall pipe is leaking in your home can be tricky business. There’s some trial and error that goes into it. However, confirming that a leak exists and finding its source is the first critical step to conducting a repair. There’s no getting around it. To find out if you have a wall leak and where, follow the tips below. Recognize the Signs of a Wall Leak These signs should be your first clues that you have a wall leak. Here’s what to look for: Mold Peeling wallpaper or paint Moisture […]

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Noisey Water Heater

Is Your Water Heater Making Noises?

Does your water heater make a noise? That is, a popping sound, like popcorn in the microwave? Not to worry. This sound is fairly typical of water heaters. Knowing why your water heater is making that noise and how to fix the problem can prolong the life of your water heater and prevent premature water heater failure. It’s the sediment. The noise in your water heater comes from the sediment and minerals naturally found in your home’s water supply. When the sediment sinks in the water heater, it forms a barrier between the heating elements at the bottom of the […]

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Repair A Peeling Bath Tub

Repair A Peeling Tub

When a cast iron and porcelain tub gets old, one of the things that happens is the glaze on top gets worn away and the porous surface beneath is exposed. This can lead to staining and rusting. Bathtub refinishing is big business. Homeowners with older homes and vintage cast-iron tubs can pay thousands of dollars to replace old tubs, or hundreds of dollars for refinishing. Of course, a competent and confident DIYer can save a lot of money doing it themselves. These tips will help you get started. Gathering Your Materials All you have to do is poke around on […]

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Prevent A Flooded Basement

Vanquish Puddles In A Flooded Basement

Summer is here! Unfortunately, it can’t all be fun in the sun. For some people, summer brings thunderstorms, heavy rains and flooded basements. Basements that are prone to flooding need special accommodations to provide extra drainage. In the following post, we’ll help you remove water from your flooded basement, then provide advice that can prevent floods in the future. Removing Water from an Already Flooded Basement Submersible utility pumps are designed to remove a lot of water in a little amount of time. Submersibles are designed to sit in the water and suck it up from the floor of your […]

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Hand Washing Vs Dishwashing

Hand-washing Vs. Dishwashing

You’ve wondered the answer to this before: which one is better, hand-washing or dishwashing? Better for the dishes? For the environment? Which one works better? Which one costs less? Which takes less time? The answers could surprise you. Which one is greener? It seems that the majority of people who wash their dishes by hand leave a steady, semi-hard stream of water running throughout the process. Doing dishes this way can waste up to 5 gallons per minute. Compared to Energy Star dishwasher models, which can use as little as 3 gallons per load, this is an incredible statistic. Put […]

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