Plumbing News Roundup: July 2024

Plumbing News Roundup: July 2024

A lot is happening in the plumbing industry in the month of July. Continue reading our news roundup to learn more about what’s happening in the industry this month.

Plumbing Companies Struggle To Find Skilled Workers

As more and more qualified employees retire from trades every day, employers are struggling to replace them with skilled workers. This means that plumbers often can’t take all the jobs they are offered, and that’s becoming a problem for their business.

If the struggle to find qualified young workers to fill the roles of those retiring continues, and if something doesn’t change soon, it’s going to be dangerous for the business and consumers will start to notice more than they already have.

For more information click here

Rubber Plumbing Seals Leaking Additives Into Drinking Water?

A small-scale study conducted in the American Chemical Society (ACS) journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters finds that rubber seals in some plumbing fixtures may release harmful compounds into drinking water, according to an ACS press release.

As drinking water flows through pipes and into a glass, it hits the rubber seals in some plumbing fixtures. These parts contain additives that contribute to their flexibility and durability, but can also leach into drinking water. 

To read the full report click here

Ironhouse To Host a New Workshop

The Ironhouse Sanitary District has announced an upcoming “Protect Your Pipes” workshop to educate residents on the best ways to protect the plumbing in their homes with tips from in-house experts.

  • WHEN: Thursday, July 18, 2024, 3:00 p.m.
  • WHERE: Oakley City Hall (3231 Main St. Oakley, CA 94561)

The workshop is free to the public and Ironhouse encourages everyone to attend.

The Protect Your Pipes workshop educates the public on the proper disposal of fats, oils and lubricants as well as personal hygiene products, as many people unknowingly pour these down the drain, causing internal pipe problems and damaging the sewage system.

Click here to sign up. 

Contact Super Terry Today

Are you experiencing a plumbing emergency? Make sure to contact us, and Super Terry will be on the way!