Temporary Plumbing Solutions to Try Before Calling a Professional

Temporary Plumbing Solutions to Try Before Calling a Professional

Have you ever found yourself in an emergency plumbing situation with no one to turn to? In a panic, you may reach for temporary solutions like a pipe clamp or repair tape to fix the situation temporarily.

Unfortunately, some of these solutions don’t last long enough, leaving you with the same issue you started with. This is why we’ve created this post; to teach you which plumbing solutions you can use in a bind, how long they’ll last, and when to call your favorite plumber for help. Read below to learn more!

Solutions for Pipe Leaks

Leaks are bound to happen; aging, pressure, and vibrations can all cause pipes to leak. In some cases they can cause devastating water damage in your home. The last thing you want is a restoration bill on your hands, but what can you do if you can’t call the plumber when you need them?

There are some commonly used options for repairing leaks in your pipes. Epoxy is an adhesive putty used to seal leaks. It works by hardening against the surface of the pipe, providing a temporary fix for your leaky troubles. But beware, epoxy will only last a couple of days if applied correctly. Another solution is to use a thread pipe sealant. This is a quick and cost-effective option instead of having to replace whole sections of your pipes. 

Solutions for A Burst Pipe

You may think this will never happen in your home, but a pipe bursting is more common than you think. Corrosion, freezing, and clogs are all common causes. A burst pipe can flood your home and cause disaster before you know it. Some common signs that a pipe has burst in your home are:

  • Puddles when you turn on your water
  • Water pressure problems
  • Large water stains on walls or ceilings
  • Discolored water
  • Running water sounds 

One useful tool that can be used to temporarily fix a burst pipe is a rubber sleeve. These sleeves can be slid over the affected pipe and will allow you to use your water supply for a short time – emphasis on short!

If you don’t have a rubber sleeve, some homeowners rig one themselves with a piece of wood, some plastic, and a clamp. If you’re using this method, start by placing the plastic over the pipe and secure it with tape. Next, lay the piece of wood along the bottom of the pipe, and lastly clamp it together for an overnight fix.

A Leaky Water Line

So, your new water line for a smaller appliance is failing but you don’t want to pay the big bucks to have it fixed. Instead, install a ball valve! Ball valves, also called shut-off valves, are effective at forming a tight seal and can open and close automatically, making them a durable and dependable option for smaller waterline usage.

If you’re a bit iffy on how to install the ball valve, check out one of our previous blogs for some more information.

What if I Don’t Have Any Emergency Plumbing Tools?

If you don’t have any emergency tools on hand or can’t get to a home improvement store, have no fear! Turning off the main water supply to your home is the quick, home saving solution. If you do not know where your safety shut off valve is, you can always check your home inspection report. It should be noted in the report the location of the valve and its condition; if not click here for our step by step guide on how to find your shut off valve. 

Call Super Terry for Plumbing Repair Services!

Although temporary  repairs are necessary and can be helpful short-term, they won’t last forever. When it’s time for a permanent solution you can trust, call Super Terry. We’ve proudly served the Pittsburgh area for years and even have an emergency line open 24/7 for our customers. Contact us today if you’re having a plumbing emergency!